Unboxing – Best Practices

Satisfied buyer. Portrait of happy Caucasian man receiving package, unboxing parcel, taking out gaming joystick, sitting on sofa in living room. Millennial guy feeling happy with online purchase

When you look up the term #unboxing on social media platforms, you'll come across numerous videos featuring delighted customers unboxing their recent purchases. Yet, the true experience is shaped not just by the items themselves, but primarily by the thoughtfully crafted packaging.

Packaging gives rise to emotions

Ideal packaging heightens the buyer's anticipation for the product. We can distinguish between two types: individual product packaging, similar to what is found in retail stores, and packaging for online shipments, which may contain multiple products within a single package.

The unboxing trend on social media primarily revolves around online shopping. Brand owners tap into our inner child, evoking the excitement we all feel while eagerly anticipating the delivery service to ring the doorbell with our recently ordered items.

This trend clearly indicates that when a brand successfully designs its packaging to make the unboxing process an experience in itself, it gains an additional marketing tool to foster customer loyalty.

What makes a good packaging ?

Similar to retail, the principle of "material is brand" holds true for online shipping as well. For high-quality products, materials that reflect that quality are chosen. In the case of sustainable products, the use of recyclable materials is ideally prioritized.

To be part of the unboxing trend, the brand must also pay attention to the arrangement and surprise in the packaging. The inlay as well as the filling material are crucial and also how the products are presented.

For instance, luxury brand manufacturers frequently include tissue paper in their packaging. This creates a sense for the buyer that they are treating themselves to a special gift.

For instance, the Chanel brand emphasizes the protection of its products. Their luxury bags are placed in a suitably sized protective bag, nestled within tissue paper, and housed in a premium cardboard box featuring a magnetic closure. Each component reinforces the brand's values.

Anyone who has purchased an Apple product understands that the unboxing experience is truly emotional. The packaging, the product, and the arrangement inside the box are all cohesive. Additionally, the design of the outer packaging highlights the brand's values. The box is crafted with the same high quality as the product it contains, and the tactile experience is tailored to complement the item. Upon opening the box, the product is securely positioned at the center, free from distractions, allowing it to shine on its own.

Both brands share another commonality: their packaging typically does not end up in the trash. In many instances, customers choose to keep or even repurpose the packaging.

By including a personalized insert, brands strengthen their connection with customers. Buyers often feel appreciated when they discover personalized touches within the package. Many brands enhance the unboxing experience by addressing customers with a personal greeting or including a unique gift. Digitalization enables mail-order companies to leverage customer data for this purpose. Such personal greetings can streamline Programmatic Print processes, making them more efficient.