The Egyptian day at drupa

اليوم المصرى فى دروبا
Rund 1.800 Aussteller aus über 50 Ländern stellen auf der drupa 2016, die weltweit führende Fachmesse für print und crossmedia solutions (31. Mai bis 10. Juni), die Vielseitigkeit und Innovationskraft ihrer Branche eindrucksvoll unter Beweis. Im Zentrum stehen vor allem Zukunfts- und Highlight-Themen wie packaging production, multichannel, 3D-printing, functional printing oder industrielle Druckanwendungen. | To the tune of round about 1,800 exhibitors from over 50 countries will give impressive proof of the versatility and innovative power of their sector from 31 May to 10 June at drupa 2016, the world leading trade fair for print and crossmedia solutions. The focus is especially on next-generation and highlight themes such as packaging production, multichannel, 3D printing, functional printing and industrial applications.

Save the Date 20-6-2020

The Egyptian visitors to drupa are invited to attend our traditional gathering on the Egyptian Day.  On 20-6-2020 at 11:00 am.

A special welcome reception by the top management of Drupa and Messe Duesselorf and the Egyptian officials, then we accompany you to the site visits to the top companies stands.  Guided tour with lots of surprises and lots of learning and fun.

Stay tuned!  You will receive your personal invitation soon.

الغرفة الألمانية للصناعة والتجارة

For more information and travel arrangements kindly contact: German-Arab Chamber of Industry and Commerce , Official Representative of Drupa in Egypt: email :