PrintingProfessions: Industry Master Print Media

Printing Professions

You’re a true organisational talent, like to take the lead and can advise customers optimally according to their needs? If that applies to you, the profession of a print media industry master is just the right thing for you! In this blog article, you will find all important information about this #PrintingProfession.

With our #PrintingProfessions series, we aim to give you insights into the various professions in the German printing industry and show you which requirements you should have for each profession. Further training to become a print media industry master, for example, is very demanding and, in Germany, requires a completed vocational training in the printing industry, such as training as a media technologist, media designer or bookbinder. Apart from that, you should also have professional experience. 

But what tasks does a print media industry master have? In any case, it’s a true all-round profession, because they ensure the professional production of print products of all kinds and work in publishing houses, print shops or workshops. But he also draws up marketing concepts, advises customers, calculates costs, etc. Besides, print media industry masters can also assume management positions and should therefore have the necessary leadership qualities. 

In Germany, the training can be completed full-time or part-time and accordingly lasts up to one or between two and three years. Salary opportunities in the print industry are significantly improved by further training. Depending on the industry and specialist area, the salary is around 3,000 Euro gross.