all 4 pack

Dear Exhibitors, Visitors, Partners

The COVID-19 situation is impacting everyone around the world.  We see the impact on our families, our communities, our businesses, and the way we live and work.

In this uncertain time, we are aware that you are facing this exceptional situation too, in your business as in your personal life. That is why we want to assure you that we remain dedicated to serving our customers and our communities, and we are looking forward to hosting more exceptional events in the future.

In January, our teams in Asia began flexible working arrangements, taking the necessary precautions for health and safety while ensuring our business continued. We are pleased to share, that life is beginning to return to normal for them in this region. 

Now, in Europe and the US, we are facing the COVID-19 situation head-on, and are putting in place the necessary actions to address the situation. Comexposium teams are working remotely, committed to organising our upcoming events, and available to support our customers and partners.

The ALL4PACK team can still be reached by phone and email, and will do everything to help you prepare your participation.

We thank you for your continued support and loyalty, and we remain at your disposal to work together to overcome this unprecedented crisis.

Olivia Milan

Olivia MILAN

Directrice d’ALL4PACK Emballage Paris