Page Visions in Fastbind first


Page Visions has installed the UK’s first Fastbind Pureva Smart semi-automatic binder as it expands its armoury of Ashgate supplied finishing kit.

The Slough-based commercial printer’s machine was installed at the end of May. It joined other Ashgate supplied kit including a Fastbind Casematic A46Z semi-automated case maker and manual Fastbind EVA XT hot-melt perfect binder.

Officially launched in July, the Fastbind Pureva Smart binder can bind books up to A3 portrait format and features a touchscreen user interface for simple makereadies. Users input the cover and paper type and format, from the set pre-set programmes and the binder then automatically adjusts the settings.

According to Page Visions finishing manager Iwona Wytrzymala, the Pureva is the seventh Ashgate device bought by the firm in seven years.

“We’ve known Ashgate and appreciated their service for so long. Whenever they bring out something new where we can see the benefits of faster, easier and more consistent production, we always look at it first.”

Automated functions on the £15,000 device include microcut Roughener spine roughening, gluing and nip roller controls as well as a “fast” auto-cleaning programme.

The compact binder can produce up to 180 books per hour and can bind books from 2.5mm to 45mm and up to 335x455mm. Maximum cover stock weight is 400gsm.

“The Fastbind equipment suits us perfectly because it is so easy to use and produces a quality product every time. This is very important because we have a large finishing department with 15 people in two shifts, operating all the Fastbind machines,” said Wytrzymala.