
What is a Media Technologist of Screen Printing doing?

In our #PrintingProfessions series we are trying to give you an insight into the world of work of the printing industry and we are presenting you different professions. Today it’s all about the education for being a Media Technologist of screen printing. We are showing you which preconditions you need to bring and what is expecting you in the education and also later in your job.

Obviously as a Media Technologist of Screen Printing you are specialized in one field of printing: Screen printing. The special thing screen printing is the procedure: First of all, you are using a blade to spread the colour evenly. After that the colour gets pressed through a sieve and presses the colour onto the materials. The special thing about this printing technology is, that many different surfaces and materials can be printed this way. It doesn’t matter if it’s flat or round, hard or soft.

And exactly as varied as the surfaces and materials, the everyday job as a Media Technologist of screen printing can be. You are spending your workday in many different locations; Sometimes in the office, sometimes in the production halls and or even in the warehouse.

What is expecting you during the education?

If you are interested in the media branch, but you prefer manual work over theoretical work, then the profession as a Media Technologist of Screen Printing is exactly right for you. Also being technical interested, having fun with colours and not being afraid of big machines has an advantage in this job. It is possible to operate in the middle of the media sector, whilst working manually, and not having to go to university. In Germany, the education takes three years and you need to have a high school degree to be allowed to take up the training.

What will happen after the education?

After you have successfully completed the training, you have several options for your career. Sometimes you get the chance to specify yourself on a special sector already during your training. But even if that is not the case, you will have many possibilities afterwards. There are several additional tests, which will give you a higher qualification, such as the exam for being a “Medienfachwirt” in Germany. But you can also go to university afterwards and study “Printing- and Media-technology” or similar courses to get some more theoretical input.

As you can see: There are many different options.