Symposium Print in liquidation


South Wales-based printer Symposium Print has gone into liquidation.

Stewart Bennett of ST Bennett & Co was appointed liquidator of the company on 20 February, following a meeting of creditors on the same day.

A winding-up petition had been filed against the printer by solicitors Irwin Mitchell on 27 January 2020 at Birmingham District Registry, on behalf of petitioner Andrew Lewis, and a hearing had been set for 24 March.

Symposium Print was established on 5 March 2018 under the directorship of Andrew Studley and 12 months later the company bought the assets of Symposium Design & Print, of which Studley is also the sole registered director, when it fell into administration after nine years of trading.

According to Studley, Symposium Print stopped trading a year ago and he has now chosen to liquidate the company because he “did not need it anymore”. He declined to comment further.

A notice for compulsory strike-off of Symposium Print Ltd was posted in May 2019 and then action was suspended in June.

ST Bennett & Co had not responded for comment at the time of writing.

Symposium Design & Print at one time employed more than 20 people and ran two Komori Lithrones and two Duplo stitching lines.

The business produced a range of commercial work, including long-run mailers, magazines, flyers and brochures and was the printer for the Welsh Conservative Party and is based in Llandow, just outside Cardiff.  

Studley is also the registered director of companies Prints-It Ltd, Print-It Ltd, KJB Litho and CDP Digital, the latter two of which fell into administration on 28 October last year. The brochure division of the KJB print group, WM Printing Solutions was liquidated. 

At the time of reporting Printweek understood from a source close to the situation that the two entities had been bought by new company Promising Print, incorporated on 8 November at the same registered address as Prints-It Ltd.